Unbalanced Life=Unbalanced Hormones

Unbalanced Life=Unbalanced Hormones

As we move from the lazy days of summer into faster-paced autumn - coming back to our "regular lives" after vacation, the longer days of summer, and for many of us, shorter summer work hours - we find ourselves in a perfect space for coming back to ourselves.

This transition period between the seasons - almost like a pause or a feeling of "waiting" - is the time for evaluation. It's time to take stock of what is, what has been, what's working and what you want to carry forward.

If this sounds daunting, try looking at it from a seasonal perspective. Come winter, our energies will be directed inward, toward comfort and home. This is a time when we'll have the space to open up and be creative, moving forward with projects and manifesting ideas. So it makes sense that fall would be the time to take stock, figure out what our next directions are, what we want to be creating for ourselves during the winter months.

Why take stock?

It's important to remember that our health is impacted by every facet of our life, even those that may seem unrelated. Any areas that are neglected, or are out of integrity with who we are (or are just plain not enough fun!) tend to create stresses, which in turn set off a chain reaction in our endocrine system, leading to hormonal imbalances and a host of other health issues.

Building your "life pie"

One of our favorite tools for refocusing on our selves and what's important in our lives is the Wheel of Life. You'll be making a "pie" that represents different areas of your life - it only takes about 10 minutes, and can be remarkably illuminating!

For this exercise, you'll need a blank piece of paper (preferably unlined) and pen or pencil. Feel free to make this exercise even more fun by using colored paper, or colored pens or pencils.

* On your piece of paper, draw a large circle and then divide it into 10 "pieces of pie" by making 10 lines from the center to the outside edge. (If you like, make each line in a different color, for each different category.)

* Next, you're going to label each line with a different area of your life: home environment, relationships, social life, joy, health, career, creativity, finances, education and spirituality.

* Now comes the fun part: For each of the 10 different categories, make a dot on the line that represents your level of involvement with each area – the center of the circle is zero, and the outside of the circle represents areas of most involvement or satisfaction.

* Once you've got a dot for each area, connect the dots and see what your "life pie" looks like!

Your Wheel of Life should give you some good ideas as to which areas of your life need more attention at this time. Keep in mind, this is a process that will last all through the fall – taking the time now to take stock and prepare will set you up for a creative, productive fall and winter!

Cleanse with us!

One of the best ways to re-balance yourself and your body as you transition through the seasons is with a gentle cleanse. Cleansing not only helps your body clear out excess wastes and come back to a place of balance, it also helps clear YOU - removing some of life's clutter and leaving you with a clearer vision of your direction, helping you to balance your "life pie".
Many of the cleanses available out there can be very extreme - and therefore hard on the body. We've created our own super-supportive whole foods cleanse, done in the comfort of your own home but with the support and guidance of the LSW counselors, as well as a whole community of women - that you're connected to via our online forums - who are all doing the cleanse at the same time.

We'll be running our Fall Cleanse throughout the month of October. For more information on this transformational event, just fill out this short web form and we’ll be in touch with more details. Or, call us at 212-581-0001 to register now and reserve your spot!

Need more help figuring out your next steps?
One of our popular and powerful group programs may be for you! Metamorphosis, our eight-week telegroup designed especially for women in their 20s and 30s, begins on Monday, October 1st. Also beginning on October 1st is Emerge, our six-week online program designed for the college-age woman. See below for more information, or contact us today at 212-581-0001 to save your space!

Share your "pie"

How'd this exercise go for you? Did any of your areas surprise you? Which areas did you feel were your strongest? Your weakest? Share your results and ask your questions in the comments section below, and an LSW counselor will respond!

LSW recognizes the importance of indulgence, pleasure, and sensuality for every woman's menstrual and sexual health. We help you find the right medicinal foods for healing your condition, and we support you to understand, accept, and enjoy your woman's body and your feminine energy.

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