ZANTAC Glaxo SmithKline

ZANTAC Glaxo SmithKline

Drug Category: H2 blocker.

Generic Name: Ranitidine.

Contents: Inj: Per 2ml amp: 50mg ranitidine (as HCI).

Tabs 150mg/300mg: 150mg/300mg ranitidine (as HCI).

Indications: Treatment of duodenal, benign gastric and post-operative ulceration, including that due to NSAIDs. Prevention of NSAID induced duode­nal ulcers. Duodenal ulcers associated with H. py­lori. Oesophageal reflux, reduction of gastric acid, chronic episodic dyspepsia. Moderate to severe oesophagitis.

Dosage: Tabs: Adults: Duodenal and gastric ul­cer: 150mg twice daily or 300mg at bedtime for four weeks or 300mg twice daily; maintenance, 150mg at bedtime.

DU with H. pylork 300mg at bedtime for 4 weeks plus amoxycillin 750mg three times daily and metronidazole 500mg three times daily for 2 weeks. Prevention of NSAID Induced duodenal ulcer: 150mg twice daily.

Reflux oe­sophagitis: 150mg twice daily or 300mg at bed­time for up to 12 weeks. If moderate to severe, 150mg four times daily for up to 12 weeks.

Children: Under 2 years, not recommended; over 2 years, peptic ulceration only. 2-4mg/kg twice daily; max 300mg daily.

Inj: Adults: Slow (over a period of 2 mins) IV inj of 50mg after dilution to a volume of 20ml per 50mg dose; intermittent IV infusion at a rate of 25mg per hour for 2 hours; IM in] of 50mg (2ml). All may be repeated every 6-8 hours.

Precautions: Exclude malignant disease before treatment. Impaired renal function, acute porphy-ria. Pregnancy, lactation.

Adverse effects: Headache, dizziness, Changes in liver function. Rarely hepatitis, thrombocytopenia. leucopenia, agranulocytosis, pancytopenia, hy-persensitivity, confusion, breast symptoms in men, reversible impotence, rash. bradycardia, pancreatitis.

Regn.No:Pack:Trade Prices:Retail Prices:

lnj(008626):5x2ml amp: 93.98:110.56.

Tabs 150mg(006520):10's: 74.97:88.20.

Tabs 300mg(022034):10's: 151.29:177.98.

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