Keep Your Audience

It is one thing to get subscribers to your ezine or to get traffic to your web site, but it is quite another thing to keep your subscribers and visitorsas your AUDIENCE.You see, there is a difference between subscribersand an audience. Just as there is a difference between an unsubscribe and a non-interested subscriber. It is very important to keep the attention of your subscribers or visitors. If you lose their attention, you may lose it for good. Go back and read that sentence again. If you lose the attention of your subscribers, you may not get it back.You may have 10,000 subscribers or 40,000 visitors, but are they really seeing and reading what you have to offer? What good is it if they delete your ezine without reading it and surf right on through your web site without "seeing" it? The fact that you are reading this article indicates that the ezine publisher / editor or webmaster is doing a good job of keeping you interested (or you are bored and have nothing better to do). Now howdoes he/she do that? Well, stop and analyze the ezines or newsletters you are subscribed to. What about the bookmarks for your favorite websites? Do you read all of them or visit all of the web sites all of the time? Why or why not? Let's examine some ideas here:1. Original ContentDoes your ezine or web site provide original contentor is it regurgitated content from a compilation ofother web sites? If this is your intent, presentyour ezine or web site as a list of resources. Don'ttry to be what you are not.2. Relevant ContentIs your web site focused on marketing? Well, thendon't fill it with deep sea diving articles. Youwill confuse your readers.3. Keep it consistentOh, you don't feel like writing this week? You sayyou are just going to "throw together" your ezine toget it done with and publish a fantastic one nextweek? Go ahead, but you run the risk of losing youraudience. One bad issue may cost you the attentionof your subscribers, though they may take six monthsmore to actually unsubscribe..4. Keep It Simple & QuickDon't try to re-write the encyclopedias in one issue.You will tire yourself out and not have anything leftfor your next issues. You will also tire your readersout and they may not take the desired time to finishreading. If you do provide a lot of information, break it into "bite-size" morsels.5. Personalized responsesDo you receive feedback from your subscribers orvisitors? Respond to them personally and they willsee that you are a real person that not only caresabout their needs and wants, but understands theirneeds and wants.6. FeedbackOffer your subscribers the ability to offer feedbackand ask questions, both on your web site and throughemail. You want to be approachable or they willkeep searching.7. Free ExposureOffer your readers the opportunity to advertise themselves. If you focus entirely on yourself,your business, your web site, etc., you will causeyour readers to feel you are so stuck on yourselfthat you have no idea what is going on around you.People always love to talk about themselves, letyour readers do so - they will appreciate you for it.8. Keep it ResourcefulPeople vary. Some like philosophical articles,some how-to. Some like quick tips. Some likecontests. Whoever your subscribers are, they are most likely all looking for something thatthey can get out of your ezine (preferably forfree). Give them something resourceful. Givethem something that they can use to betterthemselves and/or their business or whatevertheir interest. Help them grow and they willbe more likely to be receptive to what youpublish.9. Give them something freeJust like #9 above, offer free stuff to yoursubscribers. Let them have a "taste" of whatyou are offering. If you truly are an ethicalpersonal offering valuable products or services,they will be back.10. Contests & SpecialsWhat benefit is it to your subscribers to remain subscribed to your ezine? Offer themsubscriber-only specials or contests. Theywill want to view the next publication tosee if they have won anything or to see what they can get for free or reduced pricesThis is by far, not an exhaustive list, but hopefullyit will get you thinking as to how to keep your audience.To sum it all up - Think of your audience first andthey will remember you.

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