Drug Category: Macrolides.
Generic Name: Roxithromycin.
Contents: Tabs 100mg/150mg/300mg: Roxithromycin 100mg/150mg/300mg.
Indications: Roxithromycin sensitive infections of ENT, bronchopulmonary, genital (excluding gonococcal infections) and skin. Prophylaxis of meningococcal meningitis in subjects who have come in contact with the patient.
Dosage: Adults: 150mg in the morning and evening before meals. Children: 6-11kg: 25mg in the morning & evening; 12-23kg: 50mg in the morn­ing & evening; 24-40kg: 100mg in the morning & evening.
Contra-ind., Precautions etc: See notes of Erythromycin at the begining of this section.
Regn.No:Pack:Trade Prices:Retail Prices:
Tabs 100mg(026039):10's: 93.50:110.00.
Tabs 150mg(024719):10's: 59.50:70.00.
Tabs 300mg(024720):5's: 51.00,:60.00

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